Monday 18 March 2013

5 people in your corner

For who I am and what I need, my parents are perfect. I thank my lucky stars every day that I ended up with those two as my built-in, gotta-love-me-no-matter-what safety net. I spend a lot of time reading about raising children - and people, in general- with intention. Note to Grandma: I spend a lot of time reading about everything so don't look too deep into that one ;) .  One of my favourite pieces of wisdom is "the best thing you can do for your child is find out what they want, and then encourage them to do it." My parents did this in spades. I continue to admire their willingness to just say "yes." When I inevitably return bumped and bruised, they prop me up like any good boxing coach and offer  sound advice for next time.

One piece of great Dad Advice is this: "At all times, kiddo, you've got to have 5 people in your corner backing you up." Dad is a retired therapist and having 5 people in his corner meant five colleagues with whom he could debrief, strategize, and support. Five people in my corner means different things on different days in different situations. Like any good piece of advice, though, it remains applicable.

I really believe in reaching out and asking for help. Vulnerability is tough but suffering in silence is tougher. Furthermore, it is often unnecessary. Life is a team effort. You just can't do it alone. You can be your own person in the ring but somebody needs to fetch your water. Or rehabilitate your shoulder. Or remind you there is life outside the coliseum.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment and think about who you have in your corner. In fact, write it down.  I guarantee you have way more than five people. Most of my journals include lists of people I consider part of my support network. Such lists always include my close inner circle of support but I also include less familiar friends and acquaintances. Some of these people I barely know. But for whatever reason -or no reason at all- I feel I can reach out to them. Old high school teachers, some lady that writes a blog I resonate with, that super caring person I'd like to be better friends with, a friend-of-a-friend who went through something similar that one time....

Try making your own list. You might be surprised by who comes to mind. And then tape it to your fridge so every morning before breakfast you are reminded of how many people are supporting your wellbeing and success. That is a lot of support! That is a lot of power! If you are not satisfied by the support you receive from one person, you have at least four other people waiting to help you out. Allow people the opportunity to help you. You are bound for success, kiddo, and the group of us are here to ensure that happens.

Take a moment and identify who in your life can provide the following support:

-listen sympathetically

-hug, without asking any questions

-make you laugh it off

-allow you to cry it out

-tell you to suck it up

-tell you you are right and everyone else needs to suck it up

-force you to put your book down and step outside to gain a little perspective

-remind you to put your head down and not bring it up until you are done

-other needs...

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